I started attending a degree program at another Italian or foreign university, and I would like to enroll in the Energy Engineering Degree Program. What is the procedure to follow? Can I count on a shortened academic career?

The best approach is to contact the President of the Degree Program (giovanni.lutzemberger@unipi.it) for an initial informal opinion and a preliminary evaluation of the exams that could be recognized.

For an official decision, you will need to submit a formal request to our Student Services Office, specifically to Dr. Antonella Giacomelli (antonella.giacomelli@unipi.it). The “shortened academic career” form can be found at point 2 on the following page. You will also need to send all the documentation in your possession (completed exams, syllabi, etc.).



For students with degrees obtained abroad, it should be noted that for university admission with qualifications obtained after less than 12 years of schooling, the mentioned additional and complementary certifications to secondary school qualifications only allow for enrollment in the first academic year in Italy. They cannot be further evaluated for enrollment with a shortened academic career.