Energy Engineering


The Student Services Office (Didactic Unit) for the Energy Engineering Degree Program is located at Via Gabba No. 22, on the ground floor.

You can contact the Didactic Unit for assistance and information regarding the implementation and organization of teaching, curricular internships, educational activities, and for any other questions about your academic career. The Unit is available at the office on the following days:

  •     Monday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
  •     Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM


The Unit is also available on the Microsoft Teams platform, by appointment, which can be requested by writing to or by contacting Cristina Cerbone, Marina Flaibani, or Ilaria Chiocca.

For information about international mobility, you can contact the Department’s help desk, Dr. Marina Flaibani, by writing to

For doubts or clarifications related to administrative aspects of enrollment (e.g., fee payments, registrations, certifications, graduation application, etc.), you can contact the student office. The student office provides its services remotely (there are no in-person public counters), and the contact person for your degree program is Antonella Giacomelli (

The link containing the class schedule for Engineering courses is at the following address:

Specifically, the schedule for Energy Engineering, particularly for the first year, can be found here:

Please note that, unless changes occur, the schedule is valid for the entire semester in question


The study plan for the Energy Engineering Degree Program you are enrolled in is available on the Degree Program’s website at the following link:

On the same page, by opening the links to the various courses, you can find additional information about the syllabi and exam methods.

Regarding the OFA, the School’s regulations prohibit taking exams until the TOLC is passed. You must therefore pass the TOLC before you can proceed with the exams of the Degree Program, as described in the regulations at the following link.

There are two tutoring services available for students. The first comes from the “Bando Fondo Giovani” (Youth Fund Announcement), which annually allocates a certain number of grants to incentivize tutoring, supplementary teaching, and remedial activities. For the academic year 2023/2024, the Energy Engineering Degree Program has six students assigned for the courses of Mathematical Analysis I, Electrical Apparatus for Energy, General Energy, Technical Physics, and Machinery. Further information is available at the following link:

There is also a peer tutoring service, where tutors have been identified among the students for each degree program. In our Degree Program, Mr. Giacomo Genito, a nuclear engineering student, has been identified. The idea of this initiative is for these tutors to act as mediators between students and teachers to provide assistance to students in organizing their studies. Further details are available at the following link:

Engineering Degree Program Courses and Professors.

The recognition of an elective exam different from the suggested ones is generally subject to approval by the Degree Program Council, adhering to the following general criteria:

  •     The exam must be part of an Engineering degree program, preferably in the industrial field.
  •     The exam must belong to a Bachelor’s degree class.
  •     There should be no overlap in content with other exams in the Degree Program

This year, the CLI offers free online 15-hour courses in preparation for the English proficiency exam for students of the University of Pisa. For the period from October 2023 to February 2024, the following are available:

  •     3 courses in preparation for the B1 proficiency exam
  •     4 courses in preparation for the B2 proficiency exam

Additional courses will also be offered in the second semester, starting from March 2024.

All information is available on the CLI website:

The 3 CFU Final Exam of the Energy Engineering Degree Program aims to assess the student’s ability to independently carry out an in-depth study and/or preliminary design work, even of an interdisciplinary nature, and to summarize in writing the main contents learned in the Degree Program.

The final exam regulations, which also include information on the calculation of the graduation grade, are available at the following link:

Access to the Final Exam is generally possible at the end of all exams, when the student has obtained 177 CFU. Access can also be granted if the following conditions are simultaneously met: a) the student has obtained at least 165 CFU; b) the student is only missing one of the training activities provided for in the study plan.


If you are enrolled in a curriculum prior to the current one (2020) and want to consider switching to the new curriculum, the first step is to request an evaluation of your academic record from the President of the Degree Program. In the following document [insert PDF], you can view the recognitions of courses that the Degree Program Council has already approved.

The current curriculum requires passing the B2 level English proficiency exam (this level is a mandatory requirement for admission to master’s degree programs in Engineering); therefore, passing the B1 level English proficiency exam is no longer sufficient.

If you want to change your curriculum, you can write to the Didactic Unit (, which will guide you through the procedure to follow.


Internal transfers occur through an official request via the Ge.Pa.Co. Portal:

In the case of a transfer from a Degree Program within the School of Engineering to the Energy Engineering Degree Program, exams related to the same content are usually automatically recognized, with at most a minimal integration of CFU.

The best approach is to contact the President of the Degree Program ( for an initial informal opinion and a preliminary evaluation of the exams that could be recognized.

For an official decision, you will need to submit a formal request to our Student Services Office, specifically to Dr. Antonella Giacomelli ( The “shortened academic career” form can be found at point 2 on the following page. You will also need to send all the documentation in your possession (completed exams, syllabi, etc.).

For students with degrees obtained abroad, it should be noted that for university admission with qualifications obtained after less than 12 years of schooling, the mentioned additional and complementary certifications to secondary school qualifications only allow for enrollment in the first academic year in Italy. They cannot be further evaluated for enrollment with a shortened academic career.

To enroll in the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Energy Engineering, you can follow two paths as indicated below:

  • After obtaining your degree from the current Bachelor’s program: You can enroll with a request for a shortened academic career. The deadline for the academic year 2023/24 is set for January 2, 2024, and if the degree is obtained after October 2, 2023, late fees should not apply. For information on the procedure: open-access degree programs.
  • If you are still waiting to obtain your degree: Considering that the current degree program you are enrolled in does not belong to the same degree class as the Energy Engineering program (L-9), and that the educational activities between the two programs differ by at least two-thirds, you can consider enrolling in both degree programs simultaneously. You can find the relevant information on simultaneous enrollment at the following link: Simultaneous Enrollment in Two Different University Degree Programs.

For further clarification on enrollment procedures, you should contact the student office and the Matricolandosi service:


Toll-free number for students: 800018600

Phone: 0502213616-619 (Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm)



Regarding ITS (Higher Technical Institutes) pathways, is it possible to obtain recognition of CFU for enrollment in the Energy Engineering Degree Program?

CFU from ITS are not recognized for the purpose of shortening the academic career in the degree programs of the School of Engineering.



The University’s academic regulations provide the following benefits for working students:

  • The possibility of taking exams during special exam sessions;
  • The possibility of arranging office hours and meeting times with professors outside of those scheduled for regular students;
  • Possible reduction of attendance requirements as defined in the regulations of the degree programs.

To request recognition of working student status, you need to email the Didactic Unit ( with the self-certification declaration form, which you can find at the following link: Working Students, along with a copy of your identity document. The application must be submitted during the following periods:

  • September 1 – October 31: (for special exam sessions in the first semester);
  •     February 1 – March 31: (for special exam sessions in the second semester).

Working student status is automatically recognized if the required criteria are met. Additionally, it should be noted that a working student is defined as someone who:

  •     Performs paid work on behalf of private individuals, including cooperative societies, or public entities;
  •     Engages in project-based or freelance work (CO.CO.CO or;
  •     Conducts self-employed activities with a VAT number and can prove they are actively engaged in such activities;
  •     Runs a commercial, artisanal, or agricultural business;
  •     Performs civil service.

The period of work activity must be at least 3 months, even if non-continuous, within the twelve months preceding the deadlines for submitting the application.


For further information regarding Internalization Programme, please directly ask to Dr. Flaibani (

The Degree Program in Energy engineering has an open access.  In order to attend the course, students must take a non-selective evaluation test (called TOLC-I) to verify the initial preparation level.

The course is in Italian, to enrol in this study course NON-EU citizens applying for a study visa have to demonstrate a knowledge of at least B2 level in Italian language:

For information about Pre-enrolment to Bachelor’s degree and enrolment, please visit the following pages:

For information about Fees and grants visit: